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The Fujikura Group contributes to the development of the international community through excellent 'Tsunagu' (the Japanese word meaning "connecting") technology in response to the trust of our customers around the world. We fully understand that the human rights of all people affected by our globally developing business activities must be protected and will respect human dignity and all internationally recognized human rights.


Due diligence; using the internal reporting system and partners' meetings with suppliers, we develop internal responses when human rights problems manifest, following the Fujikura Group Policy on Human Rights.


In response to the UK's Modern Slavery Act 2015, we established the 'Fujikura Group Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement'. Since establishing the statement, we are making efforts to make it known to all of our employees globally through our company intranet. This Statement has been reported to the Management Meeting of the Company and signed by Takashi Takizawa, Senior Vice President & Member of the Board, Human Rights Officer.


Read the Fujikura Group Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement listed below:
As a global company we have a strong Philosophy and Policy on Human Rights which can be seen here, on the website of our parent company.