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High Temperature Superconductors

UOS: Piece
  • Fujikura is a pioneer of 2G-HTS processes
  • Fujikura HTS are suitable for high end applications including NMR and nuclear fusion
  • Tapes can be supplied in a range of widths and to customer specifications
  • Excellent uniformity


We are one of the world’s leading producers of second-generation high temperature superconductors.

These products have huge potential to address the most pressing environmental issues including energy generation through fusion, and improved efficiency of energy usage. They are also used for a wide range of scientific applications from particle accelerators to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

Superconductivity is the disappearance of electrical resistivity materials at certain temperatures (called the critical current). It was discovered in 1911 by Kamerling Onnes. The effect was observed in some metals such as mercury and lead, but it only occurred at very low temperatures using liquid helium at temperatures close to zero Kelvin. Cooling to these temperatures is expensive and challenging for many practical applications, so the race was on to find materials which showed this effect at higher temperatures.

High temperature superconductors are typically defined as those materials that are superconducting around 77K. This temperature is achieved relatively easily with liquid nitrogen. These materials tend to be more complex crystalline structures, including Rare-earth Barium Copper Oxides, otherwise known as ReBCO.

As well as temperature, superconductors can be defined by their behaviour in magnetic fields. The first superconductors could not be penetrated by magnetic field. This is a phenomenon known as the Meissner Effect. These materials tend to lose superconductivity at relatively low fields and are known as “first generation”.

“Second generation” superconductors allow an intermediate phase where external magnetic fields can penetrate the material as vortexes. These materials can operate in higher fields.

In the 1990s Fujikura pioneered the manufacture of ReBCO based, Second Generation High Temperature Superconductors - ReBCO 2G HTS. We pioneered two key processes of Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IBAD), and hot-wall, Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD).

The IBAD process provides a uniform buffer layer of MgO on a metal substrate, which in turn aids crystal alignment of the subsequent superconducting layer via the PLD process.

This contribution to advancing superconductivity was recently recognised by the IEEE Dr James Wong Award presented to Dr. Yasuhiro Iijima, a Fellow in our Superconductor Research Department.

Our in-house expertise of these processes firmly places Fujikura as the world leader of high quality ReBCO based second generation high temperature superconductors.



Fujikura provides two basic types of ReBCO tapes.

FY series (GdBCO)

Our standard FY Series tapes are well suited for applications operating at temperatures above 40k (approx.). They provide high currents exceeding 600A at 77K (self-field) with very uniform performance over long lengths. In-Field performance is also very repeatable which is an essential factor for high performance complex magnets.


FE series (EuBCO+BHO) Artificially Pinned

Our FE series of “Artificially Pinned” tapes provide improved performance at lower temperatures. This is achieved by providing pinned “vortex” structures withing the superconducting layer. Our 12mm wide tape can carry currents of 1990 Amps, at 20K in a 5T field. They also provide the same high-quality uniformity as the standard series (uniformity data shown below shown at the non-optimum temperature of 77K).


Mechanical Performance

High fields generate high forces, so mechanical performance is also extremely important for these materials. Our tapes show no degradation up to 400 Mpa of compressive stress in the thickness direction, and 100MPa with the stress applied across the width. Our 50micron substrate tapes can be used with bend radii of 5mm without degradation.


We have a range of widths for specific requirements. Wider tapes of 12mm tend to be used for applications where high fields or high currents are required. Our narrow tapes tend to be used for AC applications where AC losses need to be minimised.

We offer a range of copper coatings from 5microns to 40microns (on each side).

We provide non-copper insulation for applications where thermal losses need to be minimised.

We also provide Polyimide insulation.

Applications include:

  • compact fusion reactors
  • NMR Spectroscopy
  • rotating machines (wind turbines, efficient aircraft engines)
  • high performance scientific magnets (colliders, accelerators particle detectors)
  • energy storage devices
  • magnetic levitation systems.
  • MRI systems
  • Fault current limiters

Other Colours

Product Reviews


FYSC-SCH04 4 0.13 75 20 Non-AP2 ≥ 165 368
FYSC-SCH12 12 0.13 75 20 Non-AP2 ≥ 550 1,104
FYSC-S121 12 0.08 75 - Non-AP2 ≥ 550 -
FESC-SCH02 2 0.11 50 20 AP3 ≥ 85 257
FESC-SCH03 3 0.11 50 20 AP3 ≥ 85 497
FESC-SCH04 4 0.11 50 20 AP3 ≥ 85 663
FESC-SCH04(05) 4 0.07 50 5 AP3 ≥ 85 663
FESC-SCH12 12 0.11 50 20 AP3 ≥ 250 1,990
FESC-S121 12 0.06 50 - AP3 ≥ 250 -
1Non-copper stabiliser apecification is available only in 12mm wide for current lead or low thermal conducting applications.              
2Non-AP specifiucation is mainly for conductors or othher general use at a relatively higher temperature.              
3AP specification is manly for use in magnet application at low temperature and high magnetic field.            
4Ic@20K, 5T is a reference value and no guarantee of the actual performance.              
5If requiested, an option customising copper plating thickness is also available (e.g. 5μm, 10μm or 40μm).              






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